2021 年8月16日至9月5日
個人靈命的更新和教會的復興是聖靈的超然作為 (亞4:6) 。我們必須承認前人經已試過各種方法,然而靠著自己的能力令教會和信徒靈命復興定必失敗,我們需要祂的大能去帶領 (賽55:8-9)。邀請你在這21天裡,我們一起透過使用克勞德‧金的「覺醒 • 21天禱告日誌」,為到神的同在和復興而禱告。這21天禱告運動未必保證有一個大覺醒,但是神子民的復興乃是任何屬靈覺醒的先要條件。透過每天靈修以及禱告時間,但願我們接受尋求 神的同在和經歷神的大能和挑戰。
Dear church,
Rather it be personal or church revival, it is all about the Spirit’s miraculous work. Our predecessors have tried many ways to revive the church, but the truth is we must confess that we can’t rely on our own strength to have anyone got closer to God. We must rely on the power of the Spirit to lead us the way.
We invite you in the next 21 days (8/16-9/5) to engage in personal worship and prayer through the “Awaken • A 21-day of Prayer Guide & Journal.” Your time with God will be the beginning of your spiritual awareness to seek Him and that you will experience His presence and power be upon you.
The goal of that revival in you is for God’s glory to be revealed to a watching world that needs to know Him. When people are transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ, spiritual awakening is the result. Communities change. Cities change. And yes, nations can change. Spiritual awakening is what we need in our home, our church, our city, and our nation. This 21-day prayer movement does not necessarily guarantee a great awakening, but the revival of God’s people is a prerequisite for any spiritual awakening.